Tuesday, December 22, 2015

10 weeks Pregnant What to Expect

A pregnant mother during her first 10 weeks of pregnancy will undergo some physical changes. Her tummy grows bigger and bigger and she may need to think about purchasing her first maternity outfits. By the time she is 10 weeks pregnant the fetus has grown to be about 1.2 cm or 3 inches long from head to rump. The baby weighs less than a sixth of an ounce or about 4 grams. Nevertheless, the fetus is busy swallowing and kicking inside his mother’s womb. Every day, more minute details begin to appear, such as fingernails and peach fuzzy hair.
Also the vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, intestines, brain and lungs are already fully formed and functional, while the head is almost half the length of the entire body. The forehead temporarily bulges and sits high on the head, but later on it will change to look more like a human-like feature. Meanwhile, if the mother could take a look at her baby this week, she would be able to see the clear outline of his back and the spinal nerves that extend from the spinal cord. Her uterus is now the size of a grapefruit. And with the help of a Doppler stethoscope in hand wave sound; the mother will hear the rapid heartbeat of the fetus – one pregnant woman likened it to the sound of galloping ponies.Over the next weeks of pregnancy, the pregnant mother will be able to feel her stomach start to show. Her breasts may be looking fuller; her areolas are darker and she can see big blue veins on her breasts. Also, she can still experience morning sickness and fatigue, but that should start to improve soon. She only has a few weeks left, and she’ll be out of the first quarter.A pregnant mother may have a check list when she is 10 weeks pregnant. Things on this list may include: creating a budget to buy some new maternity clothes, pack up some clothes in her closet that she may not be wearing for awhile, read up on diapering options like to use a diaper that is made of cloth or disposable diapers only. And also she will generally consider attending prenatal class and have routine clinical visits to her doctor, take new pictures of her belly for a scrap book or daily journal, and of course continue a healthy lifestyle and drinking plenty of water.When she is 10 weeks pregnant it is the best time to be pampered. She may be more tired than usual, may have mixed feelings about some changes in her body, and may have anxiety over the new arrival. Take time to be good to yourself. Do not wait for a partner, another person or one of your family members to take care of you. Just do something nice to pamper yourself.

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